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How can I find my star?

Home » FAQ » Stars Information » How can I find my star?
There are several ways to locate your star, firstly we would suggest heading over to our Star Register and entering your unique reference found on your deed, hit enter and you'll locate the details on our page. Using the Google Sky link you'll be referred to a Google Sky page, this will automatically direct your browser to locate your star and set it in the middle of your screen for viewing. Using Google Sky you can browse the galaxy and the constellations within. The second method of locating your star is using Google Sky and the night Sky. Using the Constellation that your star belongs too you can find reference points, for example if your star is located within the Big Dipper, you'll need to find the closest Constellations line to your star. If you're in possession of a Telescope, you may be able to enter the co-ordinates of the star which will automatically locate the star for you.